“One Free Bite” Is A Myth

It seems dogs go everywhere with their owners these days. But not all dogs are as people-friendly as they look and can cause severe harm when not properly restrained. Dog bite injuries can cause devastating outcomes such as severe infections, disfigurement, permanent scarring and post-traumatic stress disorder. Dog owners and keepers have a duty to keep their dog under control, and when they do not, Connecticut laws protect dog bite victims with tough laws.

Under “strict liability,” it does not matter whether the owner knew their dog had tendencies to harm people. A dog owner or keeper is responsible to compensate the dog bite victim for injuries caused by their dog the very first time it hurts someone. The dog does not get “one free bite” before its owner or keeper becomes liable for injuries.

Seasoned Negotiators Obtain The Most Compensation For Your Animal Attack Injuries

Dog attacks can lead to serious injuries, and often times, permanent injuries and disability. If you or a loved one has suffered dog bite injuries, it is important to seek medical attention right away and contact our firm.

Weber & Carrier, LLP, will aggressively negotiate a settlement with the responsible insurance company or fight hard in court to obtain the full and fair compensation that you deserve for all your injuries and losses.

Call Us For Your Dog Bite Injuries

Call Weber & Carrier, LLP, at 860-225-9463 for a free consultation to discuss your case or email us by completing our convenient online form. The initial consultation is always free, and there is never a fee paid to us unless we settle or win the case for you!